Social Care

What Does Social Anxiety Mean?

I practiced with three classmates in middle school to be in the school talent show.

But as it got closer, I became increasingly anxious about being a failure in front of everybody.

What if I couldn’t remember the words?

What if I tripped coming on the stage?

What if I got sick in front of everyone?

What if they thought I was awful?

These worries became so bad that I dropped out two days before the show. No surprise, my friends were mad at me for the sudden departure.

They did fine without me, but I was still embarrassed that people knew I had bailed on my obligation.

I have had many instances where those types of worries made it hard for me to perform socially, in school, or in my profession.

I finally got a handle on it so that it didn’t stop me from going forward in life, talking to patients, and even doing presentations and all-day seminars in front of strangers throughout the country.

But the feelings were always there.

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