Welcome to a Healthier LIfe

amazing vegetables awesome fruits awesome vegetables bicycles emotional care exercise accessories exercise videos exercise/movement fads fats and oils food & nutrition healthy living hearty healthy grains herbs and spices home gyms kitchen appliances liquids for hydration mental care nuts beans and seeds physical care practical care professional care resistance equipment safe foods self-care social care spiritual care weight training Jul 03, 2022

Do you get confused by everything in the news and on the internet about what is healthy and safe and what isn't?  I know that has been a problem for me, and I have a lot of training in healthcare which should make it easier for me.

I have started this blog as a resource to help others find out the facts, and possibly bust some myths and fads.  We have a right to know the facts so that we make informed choices as to what we put on our bodies and in our bodies. 

This doesn't mean never taking medications, because they may have a place in your goal for a healthy life. It does mean that you need to know what to expect both good and bad in what you take.

As I develop content for this site, I will suggest products that are in line with the topic. I will be using affiliate links, so that I can support my efforts. You are never forced to buy anything, but if you do like what I have said about a topic

I look forward to being here to help you maximize your health and life.



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