HHS Take Good Care campaign promotes preventive health services

healthy living physical care practical care self-care Jul 09, 2022
Women of color looking up health info

As a society, we are not regularly taking care of our health. We all have "reasons" why we don't get to the doctor.

But did you know that there are many screening tests that your doctors order are meant to not just find disease, but also to prevent disease?

The Department of Health and Human  Services has started a new campaign, focusing on the person demographics where this lack of regular care is highest. Not surprisingly, it is women of color. They have been marginalized throughout society and yet are depended on by employers, families, and friends.

We need to support and push if needed, these women who we need so that they can be here for all of us (especially their families and friends) for many years to come.

Check out this information from HHS on how they can take control of their health.

Clinical preventive services, like screenings and vaccinations, are one of the most important tools we have to prevent health problems — or to stop them from getting worse. But 9 in 10 people in the United States aren’t getting all recommended preventive services, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made this problem worse.

That’s why the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) created the Take Good Care campaign. The campaign focuses on Black and Hispanic women ages 45 to 54, who are often in a caregiving role and may be managing their family’s health care. Take Good Care is a call to action to encourage them to make their health a priority — by using ODPHP’s MyHealthfinder tool to learn which preventive services they need.

The MyHealthfinder assessment tool offers recommendations for preventive services based on age, sex, and pregnancy status. MyHealthfinder also includes easy-to-understand information about clinical preventive services and other health topics.

The Partner Promotional Toolkit offers resources to help organizations promote the Take Good Care campaign in their communities. Please spread the word to your networks! Together, we can help people get the preventive care they need to stay healthy.

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