Let's Talk Healthy Living

Me, Before Healthy Living
I was at my highest weight ever.
I hurt all over.
I needed medications to control -
- my blood sugar,
- my cholesterol,
- my blood pressure,
- and my reflux.
My knees were killing me.
I struggled walking even a few blocks due to pain.
I was afraid that I wouldn't see my grandchildren grow up.

Me, 11 Years Later with Healthy Living
Here I am a total of 70 pounds from my highest weight.
I have facial features again.
I lost my double/triple chin.
I am off my lifestyle medications
My joints are improved, using only one ibuprofen each morning.
I can walk miles without pain.
My name is Patricia (I prefer Pat) McGuire. I spent my life as a developmental and behavioral pediatrician, helping challenging children, their families, and their schools.
During my 30+ years, I struggled with my weight and saw many of these challenging children and adolescents struggle with theirs.
Over time, it became apparent that there were factors affecting the quality of life of my patients. I was witnessing the effects on them and their parents, who also had poor quality of life.
I still have weight to lose to reach my ideal weight, but I know that by following this healthy path, I will continue improving my health.
I am also proof that you can lose weight after menopause, after sixty, and as a woman.
I invite you to join me on this journey, learning how to take control of your health from my discoveries and failures.
Are You Happy with the Quality of Your Life?
When you are a child, your quality of life revolves around what your family and community do to support your growth to adulthood.
Many children have a poor quality of life, leading to a poor adult quality of life.
Some children have a good quality of life, but as adults, they make choices that lead to a poor adult quality of life.
Some adults thought they had a good quality of life. As they get older, however, their quality-of-life declines.
This decrease in life quality is tough to accept. But ...
You can make choices at any time, which can turn some of the negative aspects of your life around.
You won't be able to do a total do-over. You would need the mythical fountain of youth for that.
You will be more in control of how you feel and what you choose to do with your days.
I am here to share what I have learned about improving the quality of my life.
Join me in learning how incorporating movement or exercise, healthier food and nutrition choices, and increasing your focus on self-care, will improve your quality of life moving forward.

Exercise and Equipment
What is the right type of exercise to do?
Is there a difference at different ages?
Is there a difference for different genders?
Do you need equipment and if so, what types?
Should exercise be done in a gym, rather than at home?
There are many questions that I and others have had when looking at how to add exercise, or movement, into our daily routines.
Check out the Health Elements for this topic to read blogs where I dive into these questions and more.
I will also let you know about resources (there may be an affiliate link to help support this site) to help you plan your activity lifestyle.

Food and Nutrition
Is there a right way to eat?
As a child I was told to clean my plate because there were children in other countries who were starving.
Of course my eating more did not make them any less hungry.
It simply set me up for overeating out of guilt.
I already had reasons to eat, but this was just an added reason.
Check out the Health Elements for this topic to read blogs where I focus on facts and myths.
I will look at dietary lifestyles, the roles of spices and herbs in healthy living, and how to begin to talk to your inner guilt in order to change your reaction to eating in times of
- stress,
- boredom,
- sadness, and
- tiredness.
I will also let you know about resources (there may be an affiliate link to help support this site) to help you plan your more nutritious lifestyle.

It can be hard to take time for self-care.
We overbook our days with work, volunteering, parenting, and other activities.
Many of these activities are to help others, rarely to help ourselves.
As a woman, I also am aware that women, in general, tend to give more to others than to themselves.
Check out the Health Elements for this topic to read blogs where I focus on how we have gotten into this situation and how we can take back time for self-care.
Self-care will include taking time for exercise and eating well.
But it also refers to activities, such as mindfulness, time alone if that is needed, time to change high risk habits, such as smoking or alcohol overuse, and more.
I will also let you know about resources (there may be an affiliate link to help support this site) to help you plan your self-care lifestyle.
Terms of Use
The contents of this website are for educational purposes. The content does not offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Let’s Talk Healthy Living provides links to products that may be useful. It does not, however, recommend or endorse any products.
Throughout the site, there will be ads and links to websites that may have products that you would find helpful in your life. Let’s Talk Healthy Living (LTHL) does receive a commission if viewers click those links and purchase a product or service. This income helps LTHL pay for the research, time, and cost of maintaining this site